Call for Presentations
UTECH Las Americas – the leading event for the Latin American polyurethanes industry – is happening 4-6 June 2025 in Mexico City. We are currently looking for technical talk submissions for the conference part of the show.
With climate change dominating the world agenda, and an increasing appetite for sustainable products and technologies, polyurethane materials have a clear role to play in making the transition towards a carbon-neutral future. With their ability to extend product life through coatings, enhance thermal efficiency through insulation and reduce energy use and emissions through vehicle lightweighting (and EV battery insulation) – polyurethanes can be at the forefront of this transition.
The polyurethane industry continues to improve its own green credentials by addressing the end-of-life phase of its products, whilst also working towards new technologies that improve upon PU’s remarkable properties: advanced PU composites, nanocomposites and bio-based or circular feedstocks.
UTECH Las Americas 2025 presents an opportunity to share these significant innovations with our attendees. We would like to invite companies from the PU industry, end user companies and research organisations with production-ready technologies to give presentations on the following topics:
- Recycling technologies (mechanical and chemical)
- Closing the loop
- Mass balance: certifying sustainability throughout the value chain
- Non-isocyanate polyurethane (NIPU)
- Composite PU materials
- Nano materials
- Bio-based technologies
- Flexible foam
- Rigid foam
- CASE - coatings, adhesives, sealants and elastomers
- Cost effective machinery
- Polyurethane dispersions
- TPU 3D printing
- Direct PU additive manufacturing
- Blowing agents
- Spray foam technologies
- Flame retardants
- How to cost a product or a project
- Contribution to industry knowledge base - is this truly a significant advance?
- Timely and relevant topic - does the presentation address current or developing concerns among polyurethane industry professionals?
- Value - will the paper highlight real progress with long-term benefits?
- Objective – does the proposed speech offer a balanced and non-commercial perspective?
- Originality
Speech proposals that offer significant evidence-based developments in these respects have a far higher chance of being selected for inclusion on the programme. Speech proposals covering purely historical ground, with an overly narrow focus and those that are deemed too sales-driven in approach are likely to be rejected.
Deadline for submissions: 17 January 2025
For further information, please contact Clare Boldurmaz, Conference Producer, at